Night Flowers is an influential rabble-rousing girl-boy-girl band that describes their sonorous sound as post-mod indie alt rock. In essence, equal parts progressive earth loving hippies and tongue-in-cheek pastiche. The power trio desired their eponymous extended-play to be bold, beautiful, and help heal the planet. In response, an eco-friendly package was designed and made from FSC approved recycled paper, printed with soy-based inks, and wrapped in biodegradable overwrap. The album was also manufactured locally using a Green CD Program. The package wouldn’t have been complete without a hand-cut plantable wildflower seed paper flower for Mother Earth. An all caps approach to Gil Sans Ultra Bold was used for the logo. Several pen & ink illustrations were created to adorn the packaging, posters and promo material. They subtly reveal the true nature underneath their seemingly innocuous band name. In Japan, a night flower is the name given to a pubic wig, or merkin.

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