The Labyrinth extended play was inspired by a trilogy of esoteric sci-fi/fantasy films that deeply influenced the music and lifestyle of Toronto based cinematic rock band, 5th PROJEKT.

At the core of these classic films, ancient technology involving the human body is occulted. A 10″ limited edition vinyl was designed, and a companion 33-page softcover, Ancient Technology: Handbook for the Recently Released was laid out to explain this, in addition to how the album artwork itself can be used as a functional tool to alter human consciousness. The black and white theme of the progenerative polarized duality of nature explored in each of the films was carried across merchandise, physical promotional and online marketing collateral, in addition to a responsive website.

This symbolic approach also lead the direction of the music video for the single, The Labyrinth. Shot in a day and edited in a week, the fast-paced music video received over 2,000 organic views within the first 48 hours of its premiere.

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